Vision Goals

1. Inclusive Economy and Growth
Ensure the next decades of Center City growth will eliminate economic disparities and benefit all Charlotteans.

2. Easy, Accessible Mobility
Provide multiple convenient, safe and affordable travel options for getting to and around Center City.

3. Complete, Affordable Neighborhoods
Ensure access to a range of housing types and essential amenities, so that goods and services are within a 10-minute trip from home for all residents in all Center City neighborhoods.

4. Healthy, Safe Neighborhoods
Ensure residents and visitors feel secure and can easily access what they need for daily personal, family and community wellness.

5. Abundant Parks, Public Spaces and Natural Areas
Strengthen connections to nature and create a strong network of diverse outdoor public spaces and experiences around Center City.

6. Resilient Urban Environments
Design buildings, streets, infrastructure and public spaces that adapt to a changing climate, support a low-carbon future, and contribute to ecological restoration.

7. Lifelong learning, Care and Enrichment for All
Support family and individual growth, learning and well-being at all life stages.

8. Distinct Identity and Diverse Destinations
Celebrate and promote retail, entertainment, arts and culture throughout Center City to transform Center City into an international destination.